Lixxim Photography

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Project 365 and what I think about it.

If you've never heard of Project 365 before, than simply put it's a photography project where you take one photo a day and post it online, be it in a photography forum or group. I did attempt to start and almost finished it a couple times many years ago, but the task of being somewhat restricted or limited didn't positively affected my creativity. 

I think it's great when photography is your hobby or if you're just starting out, but for a busy professional it can become a chore. 

There were many days when I ran out of time and had to quickly find something to take a picture of, often time, well about half the time it was things around the house and backyard. Even though I did my best to get a creative spin on it, it still was at the same address. 

Getting out was great, but since I had to shoot one photo for each day, it made it difficult to get out everyday, especially driving-wise.  

If I really think about it, now it's a lot easier to get a new photo everyday. You can use your phone and get a snap either at work, lunch, post office, car or a coffee shop. When I did it, I used my DSLR, which I couldn't put in my pocket. So if you're all about taking photos, give Project 365 a try. If you think we're already 3 weeks into January and it's too late, well yes we are, but it doesn't matter when you start, calendar year is just a calendar year. 

Below are a few photos from the couple times I attempted to complete Project 365.